About Us

Who we are

The Best of Irish

We’re a Radio Station on air for St Patrick’s week broadcasting online and on 94.3 FM in Dublin showcasing the Best of Irish.

"Ireland, once you live there, you're seduced by it."
- Frank McCourt
The Radio Station

Bringing the Irish together

  • Celebrating the Best of Irish – An Upbeat Music Driven Station with a focus on Stories, People, Content, Culture, Comedy, and Tourism.
  • Created, Produced and Presented by Industry professionals.
  • We’re bringing Ireland (and the world) together to celebrate our national holiday with 7 days of programming amplifying the best Ireland has to offer.
Fun fact

You can also listen via your smart speaker!

Listen to your
favourite Irish artists everywhere.

You can listen in Dublin on 94.3 FM and on mobile, online, and your smart speaker anywhere. Ask Alexa to ‘Enable the Sound of Ireland skill’ then ‘Play The Sound of Ireland’